Mobile ergonomics: what impact on SEO?


    The digital world is constantly evolving, as are user expectations. The rise of mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, has changed the game in terms of web design.Mobile ergonomics, the ease of use of a website on a mobile device, has become essential.

    What impact does mobile ergonomics have on SEO? Getknown guides you!

    Google’s commitment to mobile

    Google, the world’s most popular search engine, has made it clear thatmobile compatibility is an essential criterion for website ranking.

    In 2015, Google launched the“Mobilegeddon” update, which favors mobile-friendly sites in search results. Since then, the trend has only intensified with the introduction ofmobile-first indexing in 2019. Here, Google primarily uses the mobile version of content to index and rank pages.

    User experience and bounce rate

    An ergonomic mobile site offers a better user experience. Internet users who have difficulty navigating a site on their mobile are more likely to leave the page quickly, thus increasing the bounce rate.

    A high bounce rate signals to Google that the site is not meeting user expectations, which can have a negative impact on its ranking.

    Loading time: a key factor in mobile ergonomics

    Mobile usability isn’t just about how a site looks. Page loading time is also crucial. Mobile users expect pages to load quickly.

    Google takes loading speed into account in its SEO criteria, just like editorial content and netkinking. Tools like Google PageSpeed Insights can help webmasters evaluate and improve the speed of their sites.

    The role of intrusive interstitials

    In 2017, Google began penalizing intrusive mobile interstitials. An abusive interstitial is a window that suddenly appears and covers the main content of the page. It therefore detracts from the user experience.

    So, while these interstitials can serve marketing purposes, it’s crucial to use them with caution to avoid SEO penalties.

    The importance ofresponsive design in mobile ergonomics

    Responsive design ensures that content is displayed correctly, whatever the screen size. It’s a fundamental aspect of mobile ergonomics. Without responsive design, users may find it difficult to access content, which can affect a site’s SEO ranking.

    Mobile ergonomics isn’t just a matter of appearance, it has a direct impact on SEO. In a world where the majority of online searches are now done via mobile devices, it’s imperative for companies to prioritize mobile ergonomics to ensure an optimal user experience and maintain good search engine visibility.

    Ergonomie mobile de site


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